Mission Statement

"Our mission is to retain within Clare and rural areas, primary and secondary schools that will realise the full educational and social potential of our children and young people".


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Thursday, 22 January 2009

Letter from Hartest Parish Council to C.L.A.R.E

Parish Clerk: Mrs P M Lamb, Sayesbury House, Ixworth Road, Norton,
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 3LJ Tel No: 01359 233288
website: www.hartest.com email: parishclerk@hartest.com

21 January 2009
Mr T Souster
c/o 26 Hertford Road
Suffolk CO10 8QJ

Dear Mr Souster,

Stour Valley Community College

Members have asked me to write and thank you, and your colleagues, for the very interesting and informative presentation you gave re the above at our last PC meeting on the 7 January.

The Parish Council Members have asked me to advise you that they are unanimous in supporting the establishment of a Community College at Clare in the belief that it will give our children - the next generation - the correct educational foundations on which to develop their futures. Members are gravely concerned that current proposals involve the increase in pupil numbers at the existing schools which currently have insufficient spare capacity and low attainment results.

The proposals put forward by yourselves are eminently sensible and pragmatic; utilising and developing existing facilities and building on the good academic standards already achieved. The specialisms you are offering are much needed in this region and widen the choice for pupils with scientific abilities and interests.

The Parish Council’s opinion also reflects the outcome of the survey conducted in Hartest.

Would you please keep us up to date with your progress?

With all success in your endeavours.

Yours sincerely

Pat Lamb

P M LAMB (Mrs)
Parish Clerk