Public notices for 'Changes to schools in Haverhill and the surrounding areas'
Your chance to say what you think about the changes to your child’s school and your community
You may have read about or seen public notices outside your school “Changes to schools in Haverhill and the surrounding areas”.
These notices mark the start of a six-week representation period between 11th April-23rd May for you to make your views known to Suffolk County Council about the proposed changes to your local school.
The notices outside schools are in fact general notices only about the size of school and age proposed changes. The public notices that set out in detail the proposals for each school have not been displayed as the legal requirement to do this changed last year. It would have been helpful if the Schools Organisational Review (SOR) displayed these publicly in each affected area so that parents and communities are fully informed about the proposed changes.
You can find the notices that have the detailed information for your school by following the link below:
Your school or local library should also have copies of the detailed notices for you to look at.
If for any reason you have difficulty getting the information for yourself or community group and would like copies of the notices for your area you can contact;
School Organisation Team West
Shire Hall
Raingate Street
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 1RX
Tel: 01284 352902
Phil Whiffing
School Organisation Review
Suffolk County Council
Endeavour House
8 Russell Road
Tel: 01473 583000
We strongly urge you to have your say and reply to Phil Whiffing at the address above or if you wish to contact C.L.A.R.E. with your views at we will include them in our representation to the Council.
To keep up to date with news and developments about the Schools reorganisation you can join our mailing list by contacting us on the email address above.