C.L.A.R.E Public Meeting on 14th November 2007
The C.L.A.R.E public meeting which was held at the Baptist Church this week was a huge success and proved just how well supported our campaign is. Over 100 members of the public including parents, teachers, governors, local business's and residents came to hear how the education system is changing and how it will affect our town. C.L.A.R.E presented the facts and figures and explained why Option 3, a secondary school in Clare, is the best option for our children and the community.
Also in attendance were Joy Stoddard, Frank Stockley and David Groves of the Suffolk School Review Panel with whom the audience had the opportunity to ask questions and view their concerns - and they certainly did! It is obvious from the comments and observations made that the peaple of Clare do not want to lose their school.
Our aim was to make people aware of the seriousness of losing our school not just to parents but to the whole community who will all feel the impact of such a loss. Since the meeting, we have had many words of encouragement and offers of help and will continue to fight our cause knowing that we really do now have the support of the town.
Thank you for joining us.
Keep it Rural!