Stop press - Suffolk County Council announces options for the Haverhill school cluster
Following the stakeholder forum the Suffolk County Council has put forward the following three options for the Haverhill school cluster. They are:
- Option 1: 2 secondary schools with federation (the leading option)
- Option 2: 2 all-through schools
- Option 3: 3 secondary schools (2 in Haverhill, 1 in Clare)
C.L.A.R.E are thrilled to have got Option 3 on the paper but now we need to prove we have the support of the community.
All parents of children attending these schools will have received a pack in the post outlining the options along with a questionnaire to complete. It is vital that EVERYONE takes the time to read and return the questionnaire. Before you do though - come along to our public meeting on the 14th November at 7.30pm at the Baptist church to hear the fors and against of all the options.
Please don't think that the decision has already been made. It hasn't and together we can make a difference!To read the consultation document and view the questionnaire on line following the link below