Clare Middle School Ofsted report proves high performance!
The Ofsted report for the Clare Middle School inspection is now available to read on line, see link below.
The school has achieved an excellent report with mostly grade 2 'Good' and some elements of grade 1 'Outstanding'.
Here are just a few of the fabulous comments made in the report which show just how well our school is performing.
Clare Middle School provides its pupils with a good quality education. It is popular with pupils and well-regarded locally.
It offers good value for money and has the capacity to improve further.
Many pupils attain above average standards by the time they leave.
Pupils achieve well because many of their lessons are good and some are outstanding.
Teachers' very good subject knowledge promotes high standards and achievement.
Pupils' personal development and well being are good with some outstanding features.
Pupils' enjoyment of school is demonstrated by their enthusiasm and engagement in lessons, the very high levels of involvement in the many extra curricular activities and in school and community events.
Pupils say they feel safe…
There are good links established with other local schools, the local community and support agencies.
Community involvement and charity fundraising are other positive features of the school.
The school has a number of outstanding teachers who demonstrate exemplary practice.
Pupils talk positively about the many opportunities they have to participate in different school activities such as drama, dance, music and sports.
Pastoral care and support are very good.
Pupils with learning difficulties or disabilities are supported very well.
The headteacher leads the school community very well, providing clear direction and valued support for all staff.
The contribution made by some leaders to developing their particular subject is outstanding and reflected in pupils' very good achievement.
Final comment in the letter to pupils from the Inspector: We know that the staff and governors are endeavouring to make Clare Middle an even better school.
Click the link below to read the full report.\\school\\124\\s5_124791_20070910.xml