July Newsletter
Welcome to the July Newsletter from C.L.A.R.E, the parent group actively involved in ensuring the best education for the children of Clare.
Why we are here - Our mission is to retain within Clare and rural areas, primary and secondary schools that will realise the full educational and social potential of our children and young people.
Following our successful presentation to Rosalind Turner and Cllrs Patricia O Brian and Jane Midwood earlier this year, C.L.A.R.E is being recognised by the county council and other similar organisations as a credible group representing the parents of Clare.
As we all know the school review panel has recommended that the Suffolk education system be changed from a three tier system to a two tier but how this will affect our existing schools with respect to closure, re-location or rebuilding has yet to be decided.
Many of you are aware of the stakeholder forum, which is a steering group set up by the School Review Panel following the recommendation. The group has 36 members including school heads, trade unions, parents, county councillors and governors all brought together to discuss Suffolk education and the various options. We are pleased to have three representatives from Clare on the Forum. These are Jim Meikle for C.L.A.R.E, Georgina Lovejoy representing Clare Pre-school and Diana Sharp as a Clare parent. By being part of this steering group we have an influence on the decisions being made.
After the final stakeholder meeting in September, it is our intention to hold a public meeting to acquaint you with the options being proposed, there implications and IF there are any we could recommend supporting. The exact date for this will be confirmed.
Until then, you can keep up to date with our progress by visiting the C.L.A.R.E web log (blog). This is basically a public diary which will be regularly updated with news and information as we get it. To view the blog, log on to www.clareandlocalareaforruraleducation.blogspot.com and add it to your favourites.
As we said before, you have the opportunity now to contribute your views and aims, this is real parent power. You can contact us through the blog or by emailing us directly at c.l.a.r.e@btinternet.com. You can also talk to any of the C.L.A.R.E members who would be pleased to speak to you. We need to hear your comments, please take the time to share them with us.
Thank you for your support.