Mission Statement

"Our mission is to retain within Clare and rural areas, primary and secondary schools that will realise the full educational and social potential of our children and young people".


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Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Statement from C.L.A.R.E. group

I would like to put on record the appreciation of members of the C.L.A.R.E. group to Jim Meikle for his chairmanship over the last four years.

Jim’s contribution and the determination of the C.L.A.R.E. members together with that of local parents and the SVET team has helped to secure the real possibility that there will continue to be a secondary school in Clare.

I am delighted to have been asked to take on the role of Chair of C.L.A.R.E. at this very important time and I will continue to ensure that C.L.A.R.E, has a clear role as a link to the parents in Clare and surrounding villages and a vehicle for them to express their views.

Diana Sharp

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Press release from Stour Valley Educational Trust Ltd


C.L.A.R.E. (Campaign for Local and Rural Education) has for more than three years been seeking the retention of secondary education in Clare. This follows Suffolk County Council’s (SCC’s) decision, within their School Organisation Review, to close Clare Middle School in July 2011. C.L.A.R.E. has sought in vain throughout this time to persuade SCC to retain the Middle School site and open an 11-16 medium-sized secondary school there in September 2011.

The Current Situation
Faced with this situation the campaign group in February 2010 mandated a small team to produce a proposal for a “free school” under the then Tory opposition’s plans for a new type of school. This implied no political allegiance; it was simply that this was a means, possibly the only means, of delivering the school that local parents indicated they wanted. As a result, three members of the local community (Keith Haisman {Chair, Clare Parish Council}, Patrick Bell and Derek Blake) established Stour Valley Educational Trust Ltd(SVET) and produced a 200 page bid for “Stour Valley Community School”. This was delivered to the New Schools Network on 5 May and was possibly the very first proposal to reach the desk of Michael Gove, the new Secretary of State for Education. The subject has generated significant media interest, with the proposal being featured on ITN News at Ten, BBC1 Look East, the Politics Show and Radio Suffolk.

The proposal is robust, given the existence of a purpose-built set of buidings (it was originally an 11-16 school), very strong parental support from within Clare and the surrounding Suffolk and Essex villages, and equally strong community support as evidenced by the many well qualified people, parents and non-parents, who have indicated their wish to become governors or supporters.

The intention is that the School will be grounded strongly in the community it serves, with its catchment simply being a circle around Clare that includes all the surrounding Suffolk and Essex villages. The School will seek to develop all pupils “to be the best that they can be” and will target achieveing over time 70% GCSE A*-C (including maths and english). It will be small enough that teachers will know their pupils really well, but large enough, at around 700 pupils after five years, to sustain a varied and forward facing curriculum. It will espouse traditional values and embrace new technologies in seeking to develop confident and rounded young adults.

In order for year 8 parents to be able to elect in September 2010 for the school of their choice for September 2011, there must be absolute certainty about the future this summer. As a result, C.L.A.R.E. and SVET are maintaining the pressure for an early decision from central government on the free school proposal. They will also pursue any other avenues that present themselves and are determined to succeed!

For more information, please contact Patrick Bell at patrick.bell@strourvalleyeducation.org or mobile 07769 707051