Newsletter Feb 2010
Do we REALLY want to retain secondary education in Clare?
Since March 2008 when Suffolk County Council announced the conclusion of their School Organisational Review, the members and supporters of C.L.A.R.E. have worked hard to represent the clear desire within the community in and around Clare to retain an excellent secondary education at the site of the Clare Middle School. We have sought to persuade all key decision makers and interested parties of the deep resistance to SCC’s plans and the detrimental effect on families and businesses in Clare and the surrounding villages - plus the strong financial and educational case for our option.
During the intervening period, much has changed. The Global economic recession has meant that calculations and assumptions made at that time by SCC have proven to be inaccurate at best. In addition, as time has passed, parents have no choice but to begin to plan their childrens’ education without the certainty of a school in Clare. The picture is further complicated by the uncertainties caused by a General Election this year.
The C.L.A.R.E. team believes that the project is currently at a crossroads with two options.
The first is to develop a strong team of local parents, professionals, businesses and enthusiasts to volunteer as a dedicated and accountable Board of Trustees to manage the workload and the resources needed to convert CMS into an excellent community-run secondary school under new legislation planned by both opposition parties should they lead the next government.
The second is to acknowledge that whilst our community would clearly like an excellent secondary school at its heart and to avoid having our children bussed to Haverhill daily from age 11, we have not been able to identify a strong and committed local team of trustees to take this project forward. We would then
leave the future of CMS in the hands of Suffolk County Council.
The current members of C.L.A.R.E. who have acted for the community for 3 years in this matter need to know which of the two options is favoured by all - and so we write to ask you to attend a Public Meeting.
At that meeting we will revisit the journey so far, bring the community up-to-date with the reality of the situation as it currently stands and to ask the question “Do you really want to retain secondary education on Clare for our children and generations to follow?” And if we do, are YOU really willing to make it happen?
Monday 1st March 7.30pm
The Pavillion
Clare Playing Field
Harp Lane